We all making life changing decisions from time to time, some of them lead us on a good path, the others do not.
Here are 10 decisions that changed my life. Let’s start a countdown from number 10
10. I learned how to drive early. It allowed me to go to conferences and seminars from a young age in far flung locations that helped my personal development.
9. I learned how to sell and it transformed me from a shy child and teenager to one who could communicate.
8. I learned how to save money. It allowed me to always have something in reserve especially in challenging times.
7. I learned how to speak positively to myself. It helped me overcome negativity and pessimism.
6. I decided to stop second guessing myself and started taking chances on myself. I have achieved some amazing things.
5. I prioritised experiences over things and I have had some amazing experiences including travelling to amazing locations.
4. I decided to become an entrepreneur. I got time freedom, made mistakes and learned from them and also learned new skills.
3. I decided to focus more on my dreams and not my distractions or drama and it cut out distractions from my life.
2. I decided to be in environments that uplift me and help me to dream, create and live a beautiful life.
1. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and saviour and it gave my life meaning and purpose and I wake up everyday with a sense that I am here for more and to do great things on the earth.
Which of these decisions resonates with you and what life changing decisions have you made?